Tao Te Ching - Part IV
Chapter 28 Know the masculine, hold to the feminine Be the watercourse of the world Being the watercourse of the world The eternal...

Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part IX
Letter XIII ON a first survey, nothing appears more opposed than these two impulsions; one having for its object change, the other...

A Defence of Poetry - Part IX
Undoubtedly the promoters of utility, in this limited sense, have their appointed office in society. They follow the footsteps of poets,...

Tao Te Ching - Part III
Chapter 19 End sagacity; abandon knowledge The people benefit a hundred times End benevolence; abandon righteousness The people return...

Tao Te Ching - Part II
Chapter 10 In holding the soul and embracing oneness Can one be steadfast, without straying? In concentrating the energy and reaching...

Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part VIII
Letter XII THIS twofold labour or task, which consists in making the necessary pass into reality in usand in making out of us reality...

A Defence of Poetry - Part VI
Civil war, the spoils of Asia, and the fatal predominance first of the Macedonian, and then of the Roman arms, were so many symbols of...

Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part VI
Letter X CONVINCED by my preceding letters, you agree with me on this point, that man can depart from his destination by two opposite...

Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part III
Letter VI HAVE I gone too far in this portraiture of our times? I do not anticipate this stricture, but rather another—that I have...

Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part II
Letter IV THUS much is certain. It is only when a third character, as previously suggested, has preponderance that a revolution in a...